Behavioral therapy as cognitive behavioral therapy is the most efficient psychotherapy. Luchmann offers cognitive behavioral therapy as written psychotherapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy as psychotherapy with Luchmann Stuttgart is psychotherapy for self-pay patients. This cognitive behavioral therapy is barrier free psychotherapy. Psychotherapist Luchmann recommends cognitive behavioral therapy as psychotherapy for anxiety and panic attacks. Cognitive behavioral therapy eliminates panic attacks. Luchmann has available slots for cognitive behavioral therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy is suicide prevention.



Psychotherapist Luchmann

Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie mit Psychotherapeut Dietmar Luchmann in Stuttgart als wirksamste Psychotherapie
© Dr. Dietmar Luchmann, LLC

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Psychotherapy with Psychotherapist Dietmar Luchmann

Psychotherapist Dietmar Luchmann has 40 years of professional experience with psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy: Dietmar Luchmann studied psychology from 1978 to 1983, graduating "summa cum laude". Subsequently, Dietmar Luchmann completed trainings in psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy and was a psychotherapist for cognitive behavioral therapy at the University Hospital for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, from 1984 to 1992. Following this, Luchmann practiced cognitive behavioral therapy as a psychotherapist for the Stuttgart Anxiety Outpatient Clinic and behavioral therapy for the Stuttgart Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians from 1993 to 2004. Dietmar Luchmann was a psychotherapist for cognitive behavioral therapy in the canton of Zug, Switzerland, and a psychotherapist and director of the Anxiety Outpatient Clinic at Lake Zurich in Zurich and Rapperswil, St. Gallen, from 2004 to 2022. With his private practice in cognitive behavioral therapy, psychotherapist Dietmar Luchmann moved to Cambridge. In addition, Dietmar Luchmann practices cognitive psychotherapy for gifted people and their problems with their giftedness. In 2020, Dietmar Luchmann developed the written cognitive behavioral therapy. Written cognitive behavioral therapy provide the portals for cognitive psychotherapy and

Psychotherapy  ›  Cognitive Behavioral Therapy  ›  Psychotherapist Dietmar Luchmann

For Anxiety and Panic Attacks, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the Better Psychotherapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy, as psychotherapy, makes cognitive processes conscious. Cognitive behavioral therapy uncovers the unconscious that makes people ill. Cognitive behavioral therapy identifies the thinking that makes you sick. Through rational thinking, cognitive behavioral therapy creates well-being. Cognitive behavioral therapy teaches psychotherapy of thinking. Through this, cognitive behavioral therapy enables rational self-management. Cognitive behavioral therapy empowers self-healing. This makes further psychotherapy unnecessary and cognitive behavioral therapy the most efficient psychotherapy.

Psychotherapeut Dietmar Luchmann bietet kognitive Verhaltenstherapie auch in deutscher Sprache.

Cognitive behavioral therapy with psychotherapist Luchmann cures anxiety disorders, panic attacks and phobias. Here cognitive behavioral therapy is the best psychotherapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy is also the best psychotherapy for depression. Cognitive behavioral therapy with psychotherapist Luchmann is effective without psychotropic drugs. Psychosomatic disorders are cured by cognitive behavioral therapy without drugs. Cognitive-behavioral therapy with psychotherapist Luchmann also solves problems in studies, profession, partnership.

Cognitive behavioral therapy with psychotherapist Luchmann helps with the handicap of high giftedness. Cognitive behavioral therapy can prevent suicides by teaching cognitive behavioral therapy to accept intellectual giftedness in a realistic way. Written cognitive behavioral therapy with Luchmann allows location-independent help from the Special Outpatient Clinic for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Gifted. In case of high giftedness cognitive behavioral therapy is the perfect psychotherapy.

Cognitive behavioral therapy in written form as the shortest psychotherapy

The most efficient psychotherapy is cognitive behavioral therapy in written form. Written psychotherapy with psychotherapist Luchmann is done online. Written cognitive behavioral therapy is also the most convenient psychotherapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy is done at home. Written cognitive behavioral therapy with psychotherapist Luchmann does not require appointments. Written cognitive behavioral therapy allows daily psychotherapy.

Written cognitive behavioral therapy has many advantages:

* Written cognitive behavioral therapy compared with outpatient psychotherapy.

Cognitive behavioral therapy with psychotherapist Dietmar Luchmann resolves internal and external conflicts. This cognitive behavioral therapy optimizes thinking, feeling and behavior. Thereby cognitive behavioral therapy does not address symptoms, cognitive behavioral therapy cures the cause — irrational thinking. Cognitive behavioral therapy with psychotherapist Luchmann changes the way of thinking.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is not a talking cure, cognitive behavioral therapy with psychotherapist Luchmann is cognitive modification work, psychotherapy of thinking. Therefore, cognitive behavioral therapy is the best psychotherapy for writing. Cognitive behavioral therapy shows ways to change thinking that causes illness. Cognitive behavioral therapy with Luchmann makes independent of psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy with psychotherapist Luchmann teaches self-help. For this, cognitive behavioral therapy requires personal responsibility. Then eight weeks of cognitive behavioral therapy are sufficient for therapy success.

Because everyone is looking for cognitive behavioral therapy to talk, outpatient cognitive behavioral therapy has long waiting times. However, cognitive behavioral therapy for writing is available immediately. The portal cognitive psychotherapy provides this cognitive behavioral therapy as psychotherapy for self-payers:

Write yourself healthy through cognitive behavioral therapy! Try cognitive behavioral therapy here. Cognitive psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy offers psychotherapist Luchmann for four problem areas:

Cognitive behavioral therapy — psychotherapy with psychotherapist Luchmann

Psychotherapist Luchmann offers therapy slots for written cognitive behavioral therapy.

Psychotherapy as cognitive behavioral therapy with psychotherapist Dietmar Luchmann

Many myths exist about psychotherapy and behavior therapy, which is why cognitive psychotherapy and cognitive behavior therapy need explanation.

Behavior therapy and cognitive behavior therapy "are used ... congruently", writes an encyclopedia of psychotherapy about behavior therapy. But cognitive behavioral therapy is by no means congruent with behavioral therapy. Behavior therapy and cognitive behavior therapy are different forms of psychotherapy. Almost every psychotherapist advertises behavioral therapy, but what matters in behavioral therapy is what kind of behavioral therapy is offered. Behavioral therapy refers to classical behavioral therapy. However, classical behavioral therapy (behavioral therapy without cognitive psychotherapy) is ineffective. Only cognitive psychotherapy makes behavior therapy superior in efficacy as cognitive behavior therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy cures the thinking that is causative for the problem behavior.

Let's answer the most important questions about understanding psychotherapy and behavior therapy: What is cognitive behavior therapy? What is the difference between classical behavior therapy and cognitive behavior therapy? How does cognitive behavioral therapy work? Why is cognitive behavioral therapy the most efficient psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy What is included in this psychotherapy?
Cognitive Psychotherapy Cognitive psychotherapy and cognitive therapy are identical. Cognitive psychotherapy identifies the life-historical causes of mental disorders. The resulting dysfunctional thinking is made conscious by cognitive psychotherapy. Cognitive psychotherapy exposes pathogenic thinking errors as the source of psychological problems. With clear instructions, cognitive psychotherapy changes pathogenic thinking. Insights gained through cognitive psychotherapy can be implemented in everyday life. Because cognitive psychotherapy empowers self-healing, 6-12 hours of cognitive psychotherapy produces lasting therapeutic success. Those who have learned to think healthily through cognitive psychotherapy do not need further psychotherapy.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Cognitive behavioral therapy complements cognitive psychotherapy in relearning. Cognitive psychotherapy is the basis for cognitive behavioral therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy is cognitive psychotherapy plus behavioral therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy exercises thinking corrected by cognitive psychotherapy. Cognitive psychotherapy allows behavioral therapy anxiety-free training to overcome anxiety and panic attacks. Cognitive behavioral therapy trains to continue relearning independently. Cognitive psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy belong together as therapy. The term cognitive behavioral therapy includes cognitive psychotherapy with behavioral therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy and cognitive psychotherapy optimize the success of therapy.
Behavioral Therapy Behavioral therapy without cognitive content refers to classical behavioral therapy. Psychotherapy through classical behavioral therapy is limited to exercising the problem behavior. Behavior therapy does not explain cognitive cause of mental disorder. Behavioral therapy does not involve cognitive processing of pathogenic thinking. The decisive effective factor of successful behavior therapy is the cognitive preparation of the behavior therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy is therefore superior to classical behavioral therapy. Cognitive psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy replace classical "behavioral" psychotherapy or behavioral therapy.

Cognitive behavioral therapy and cognitive psychotherapy as the most effective forms of psychotherapy are available through the portal cognitive psychotherapy and by contacting Psychotherapist Luchmann.

Cognitive psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy are available in the comfort of your own home. In Lockdown 2020, psychotherapist Dietmar Luchmann transformed outpatient cognitive behavioral therapy into written cognitive behavioral therapy. Since cognitive behavioral therapy has been practiced online as written cognitive behavioral therapy, it has been shown that cognitive behavioral therapy in written form is more efficient than cognitive behavioral therapy in face-to-face encounters. Because written cognitive behavioral therapy is still widely unknown, the portal cognitive psychotherapy and psychotherapist Luchmann have vacancies for this cognitive behavioral therapy.

Cognitive behavioral therapy and cognitive psychotherapy with Luchmann allow maximum flexibility. As cognitive behavioral therapy for special situations, cognitive behavioral therapy is possible in a day block. However, psychotherapist Luchmann recommends cognitive behavioral therapy in written form. Written cognitive behavioral therapy with psychotherapist Luchmann maximizes the cost-benefit ratio. Written cognitive behavioral therapy (1-3) is done online.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) — Luchmann's options:

  1. Cognitive behavioral therapy - psychodiagnostics, probationary psychotherapy.
  2. Cognitive behavioral therapy - flat rate eight weeks with psychotherapist Luchmann.
  3. Cognitive behavioral therapy - post-therapy.
  4. Cognitive behavioral therapy - cognitive journey with psychotherapist Luchmann

Cognitive behavioral therapy of options 2 to 4 always includes option 1. Eight weeks of written cognitive behavioral therapy are regularly sufficient for therapy success. Difficult problems are solved by cognitive behavioral therapy with extension. Relearning initiated by cognitive behavioral therapy can be accompanied by behavioral therapy exercises after psychotherapy (option 3). Individual arrangements for cognitive behavioral therapy are available. Cognitive behavioral therapy as a journey combines cognitive psychotherapy in a day block with the most beautiful therapy places. Book your therapy place for cognitive behavioral therapy via the button on the top right.

Copyright © 2001-2025  Dr. Dietmar Luchmann, LLC, Cambridge, MA 02142, United States of America. All rights reserved. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Reproduction, modification or other use of any of the contents of these pages, in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, is prohibited without prior written permission.